Saturday, August 26, 2017

Friends of the Quartzsite Food Bank

Help Support Our FoodBank

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve living conditions for people in need in Quartzsite. 

Your generous donation will fund our mission.

The Friends Of The Quartzsite Food Bank was started in 2015 because we saw a need to help supplement the items received by the local Quartzsite Food Bank county program. In 2017 there was a need for the county to turn it over to a non-profit and so FQFB is now operating as administrator for the Food Bank.

We are a 501c3 non-profit. All the money we raise is used to help the Quartzsite Food Bank. The board members do not receive any salary.
The items we purchase are important staples that are often not supplied by our distributors. They have difficulty receiving eggs, meat items, daily staples and often fresh vegetables.
The Quartzsite Food Bank serves a community of many seniors, young families with children who live below the poverty level. Disabled adults are also among those that we help provide food for. Individuals need more than just canned and packaged food. They need healthy protein and vitamins only obtained by providing fresh items.
The Quartzsite Food Bank also serves the towns of Cibola, Ehrenberg and Bouse. In the winter months, our population explodes with the snowbirds coming here. Most do not use the food bank's services but there are many that do which puts an extra need on the FQFB.

Donations from local organizations, businesses, churches, individuals and fundraisers like the annual December Soup & Chowder Contest help raise funds for the operation of FQFB. We also have some special projects like holiday baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

We are very appreciative of any contributions to us and announce donations in our local Desert Messenger newspaper, with permission of a donor. We also have a web page and Facebook page that you can be recognized on. If you have a local newspaper we could include an announcement in it also.